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Stacey Bruen, MC, NCC, LPC, BCPC
Licensed Professional Counselor & Certified Strategic Life Coach
Nationally & Board Certified
- EMDR and DBT Trained -

Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Participating in activities can help one develop a better sense of self. Below are the activities Stacey has organized or participated in.
- notMYkid: Professional Advisory Committee Member
(2013-current) - S.H.E.: Sharing healthy experiences: “How to Become Girlwise: Fostering Respect and Inner Strength in Your Daughter (Presenter March/April 2008, 2009, 2010)
- (Co-Founder) Conduct parent education training and seminars (2007-Current) in conjunction with Francis Yerger’s Workshops for Youth and Families (“Leadership Workshops” 2007-2010).
- Contributing Writer Mountainside Fitness Magazine
(started 2009-Current). - Channel 12 News Live: Professional who spoke on Anger Management (November 2008).
- Channel 15 News Coverage on "How to talk to your children about the economy." (December 2008).
- Raising Arizona Kids Magazine and Arizona Parenting Magazine: Professional resource quoted in various articles. (2007-2009).
- Affiliated with Scottsdale Healthcare’s Empowering Parent’s Program: Guest Speaker for “Self Esteem and Social Awareness” (March 2005 and January 2007); “Discipline: What’s the Consequence” (May 2005); “Discouraging Bullying…What Works?” (September 2005).
- Trichotillomania - News documentary coverage as Guest Professional- Fox 10 with Sabra Gertsch (March 2005).
- Educational calls with Arizona Republic, Scottsdale Republic, and the Tribune to assist with articles focusing on educating the importance of consistency and structure with parenting (2005).
- Adjunct Faculty Member at ARGOSY University teaching Graduate Level Course (March 2004 – 2005): Counseling Skills I Curriculum.
- Group Facilitator for Incest Survivors’ Group: CASA Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, Arizona Volunteer position (September 2000 to 2003).
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